However, it is not possible to denote the inherent Codes of Ethics to the social service, without speaking on two words keys, ethics and moral, being that although to practically have the same meant, the moral if consolidates in the practical life, the daily one, day-postpones in it, already the ethics if manisfeta more as reflection theory. Ethos, ethics in Greek, assign to the dwelling human being, therefore everything what it helps to become the environment better so that it is a healthful housing: materially sustainable, psychologically integrated and spiritual fruitful. Moral of the Latin you live, you assign to the customs and the traditions, being on the especifidades of each people. Category of assistants social, in referring, its ethics professional, and in particular its codes of ethics, all had reflected of way clear, positionings debated and defended in its times distinct, what she culminated, in implementation of Code of Ethics of 1993, fruit of innumerable fights of category, that brings the law that regulates the profession (8662/93), in which leaves explicit, knowledge and values to be followed for all the members of the professional category, having as basic principles, magnifying of the freedom, defense of the human rights, prohibited, deepening and consolidation of the citizenship, defense of the equity and social justice, commitment with the quality and installment of the services. Taking in account the historical moment of each code, it has that to stand out itself that of 1947, occurred in full populist experience in Brazil, together with the period of industrial expansion. The Populism concept is sufficiently including: Although contemplating the economic interests of the industrial bourgeoisie, in the field politician the populist called State placed as representative of all the classrooms, indistinctly. Its sustentation, however, depended on the balance of diverse forms the diverse represented bourgeois segments in the civil and military bureaucracy, and the workers, especially of the work force.