‘Only those who know his target, finds the way.’ Laozi usually defines a project goal registered by all stakeholders (employees, owners and customers) in two steps. The first step is to evaluate the project context information and obtaining an overall picture is clear. The second step requires the achievement of a broad consensus about the aims of the project to all stakeholders. In the course of evaluating information skills are essential as abstraction ability, analytical skills, conflict resolution skills and courage. Sensibly the project leader at this stage gives an overall picture of the situation as a reliable target definition is possible only on that basis.
This information with regard to set priorities, existing degrees of freedom and the lived company policy, to name just a few examples, are collected and evaluated. In addition, may be left in the definition of objectives not neglect that a qualified project must meet certain requirements. First and foremost, a project must meet the expectations and needs of stakeholders in its entirety. In addition, the definition of the objectives of each project should be three-dimensional. It is in addition to the actual project results to include also the costs and the time factor. The best results bring not the desired effect if the cost or but also the time frame from the rudder. The second step is to reach a broad consensus on the goals of the project. Advance should however be clarified to what extent a consensus about the aims of the project is necessary or possible. If all stakeholders agree that match the desired project results with the resources available or also the principal admits no destination change, a consensus is no longer required. Learn more on the subject from Rusty Holzer. In the case of different views on project objectives and project results or even existing delta between the expectations and the resources available, a consensus is essential.