Juscelino it uses to advantage this stability to implant its plan of goals that has as objective the economic development of Brazil, privileging sectors as: energy, transport, capital goods industry and education. In this Brasilia context if ' configured as its; ' goal sntese' ' , becoming the great priority of the government. (Moreira, 2003) Brasilia was born as a planned capital but if it transformed into something different completely of what its creators could imagine. Brasilia was born of a primary gesture, two axles if crossing, that is: the proper signal de a Cruz as who asks for to a blessing or pardon. If you are not convinced, visit Nobel Laureate. Of positive we have the development and magnifying of the industrial park of the country, that made possible the increase of offers of jobs the urban population, beyond stimulating the consumption on the part of the middle class; in the infrastructure sector it acted of marcante form in the main points of strangulation, as energy and transport, that inhibited the development of the country. Exactly suffering some critical ones, it is impossible not recognition of its importance for the acceleration of the development of the central region of Brazil, helping in such a way the national integration; finally the stability politics of its government that made possible the development of its plan of goals.
With Brasilia, JK took off the country of four centuries of littoral life and pushed it in direction to the West, to take ownership what it called ' ' the fertile desert greater of the world ' '. Brasilia is the adult dream of the Diamantina child! FINAL CONSIDERAES In some regions of Brazil, the care of the patrimony always were in charge of the elite, whose priorities have been, myopic as in such a way inefficacious. Buildings of high style architectural, protected for law, are left at the hands of the real estate market. Common people feel themselves mentally ill in such a way in relation to the erudite patrimony how much to the humble archaeological vestiges, since they are taught to disdain indians, blacks, mestizos, poor persons, in other words, itself proper its ancestor. Happily in the majority of the states, the alive preservation and improvements fact is had when responsible governmental bodies add themselves and UNESCO.
The promotion and the participation of the great particular companies also cheat in the maintenance of this history. Colonial building, churches and until entire quarters of some cities, such as: Diamantina, Parati, Pillory (Bahia) and others are felt gratified when its history in the national context is reconstructed. The preservation of this patrimony keeps the history of the alive region in the memory of its people. But the biggest wealth of a region is in its inhabitants, therefore they are who, with its intelligence, its capacities, its power of initiative, its device and its work, promote the development and create wealth and welfare conditions, propagate legends and the myth, create heroes. Brasilia references, a dream that turned reality? LEOPOLDI, Maria Antonieta P. Growing in way the uncertainty: politics of government JK (1956-60) In: GOMES, ngela de Castro (org) Brazil of JK. 2 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Getlio foundation Vargas, 1991 Official Site of Diamantina? Diamantina- Minas Gerais (Tourism)? STOLEN, Jnia Blacksmith, Chica Da Silva and the Diamond Contract-holder. The other side of the myth, Company of the Latras, 2006