To be able to brighten up the fidget and the discomfort of the Christians and power of some form to explain this so huge fact of history we initiate saying that the history of Adam and Eva is true, without a doubt, but it does not have to be understood literally. For example, when we sing the National Hymn when speaking that Brazil is ' ' lying perpetual in cradle esplndido' ' , nobody goes to think that an enormous cradle exists in which Brazil is lying. But through this poetical language, the author of the hymn states a truth: the Brazilians live inside of a magnificent, comparable territory to the cradle where if he puts a child. Thus, also the Bible uses concrete symbols to explain things spirituals that we cannot see. He says that God formed the man of the dust of the land and insuflou in its nostrils a life blow (Gn 2,7).
But we do not intend that if it believes that God has hands as we stop shape an image and that the blow of its mouth gave life to an adobe statue. This is only one way to say, used in the Bible, to disclose very deep truths on our life. It wants to say in first place that we are created by God: our existence is a gratuitous gift of it. We do not exist by chance, nor we are owners of our life, we receive but it from God. It created in them to its image and similarity (Gn 1,27), in a love gesture, stops in them communicating its happiness. We are happy to the measure who we recognize God as creative and thus also we collaborate with its plan so that he reigns justice and the peace in all the family human being. The Biblical history of the creation of the world still contains many important truths for our life.