Press Release

Holiday Cars widget on your PC Download and more minute Munich escape from everyday life, December 19, 2007. Instead of to dream in the workplace by holiday, user now with an application on the desktop for brief moments put in the distance, the fun while not neglected: holiday cars given away around Christmas, a free widget that can holidayautos users download and install on your Windows desktop. Widgets are small applications on the PC desktop, which show the time, weather, or a series of images to their owners. Holiday cars it has built in the style of a car windscreen with mirrors: decorative elements in eleven different styles vary day taste the look of the application. User can display weather for at home and for every destination worldwide.

Appear in the car window images of fantastic destinations in 16 categories, either you can upload your own images then it seems almost as if with a holiday rental in the most beautiful places in the world on the road would be. The tool offers also the possibility to send music from own playlists for the drive to select or entertaining intermittently like a wobbling dachshund “sweeten the ride” holiday greetings via E-card to friends and acquaintances. Booking information: All car hire deals from holiday cars are under the phone number 0180 5 17 91 91 (14 cents / min.), at the travel agency or under to book. About holiday cars: holiday car, a subsidiary of, holiday cars offers in over 80 countries at more than 5,000 rental stations and the world’s largest broker is with more than one million rentals a year. Double checked: holiday cars has the two TuV labelled ServiceQualitat and s@fer-shopping certified. For more press information: Doris Schinagl holiday cars gmbh phone: + 49 (0) 89 – 17 92 14 14

Publisher Claudia Lossl

“The sequel to”The daughter of the Moon”by many fantasy fans eagerly expected and now the new fantasy novel by Aileen P. Roberts appeared: beyond the sea of fog, the exciting sequel to”The daughter of the Moon”.”You will go far and lose everything and still give hope to the people.” This gloomy prophecy got Ronan of Eldaran, the Seer, although the inhabitants of Rhivaniyas believe that at last peace and quiet in their country are returned. But one day Diorin, the dwarf, suddenly appears with hair-raising news. The dwarves were enslaved in a mysterious land beyond the sea of fog and the goddess Eshaka and her minions, the brotherhood of the support, bully the people. Diorin and the people of the dwarves to help her boyfriend, Yana, Ronan and her friends to a perilous journey in a distant unknown country break. A struggle for survival, but also a fight against a new dimension of helplessness and despair is quickly from an adventure travel. Immerse in a world full of magic, battles, Love and betrayal. More information, excerpts and ordering facility, etc. under also from Amazon and available in bookstores. Limited Edition colored card! Cuillin Publisher Claudia Lossl ring RT 28 91356 Church Ebong

Release Momenti Italiani

The music of the artist Riccardo Doppio is a gift for lovers of Italian pop music, ballads, beautiful voices and great songs. The Sardinian singer and composer stands for the current Italian songwriter – pop music, far away from old stereotypes. “Light, Sun, wind, stones, that simple and at the same time big things determine sea – …diese the small universe of childhood: Sardinia”, says Riccardo Doppio. Riccardo Doppios music is above all about the large and small feelings, the it catchy and yet surprisingly sings. Great songs, little stories of people, moments, longing, joy and of course love. With rhythmic variety and bonds with salsa, Latin, jazz and Chanson, he designed his poetic ballads and offers his audience a voice with all your soul. Charming, charismatic and emotional. Concerts on international stages as for example in Barcelona, Rome or at the Festival in San Remo, as well as many successful concerts in Germany are already behind him and steadily expand its Fan community. In addition to record productions, Studio work and his own concert programs, it shines with interpretations of E.g. Ramazotti, Zucchero and others on the current album “Momenti Italiani”. Contact and more information under: Agency Vonmaro Dickhoff & Gummel GbR Ensell InStr 2 D-47051 Duisburg Partner: Rolf Gummel Martin Dickhoff Tel.: + 49 (0) 203 362.771 fax: + 49 (0) 203 362.860 email: Web:


After its transport to the construction site, one marries prefabricated can be mounted, be closed and occupied in a matter of days. Saving of materials used in work, with the elements prefabricated in buildings or the modular houses, is possible the construction or assembly in dry, that is to say, can be done without mortar. Reduction of the residues of the construction, when arriving the prefabricated components at work, would be reduced the amount of residues generated in the land where the construction is realised (packing, breakage of pieces ) One affirms that end items can be created that allow the energy saving. For example, panels for houses prefabricated with a greater heat insulation would be constructed than the one that usually is applied in the majority of builds them. The prefabricated components would be constructed with materials of the same quality that in the work or even of quality superior, since the components and process of production would be subject to a greater control in the plant (environmental conditions, quality controls ) In addition, the materials less would be exhibited to meteorological inclemencies, since the assembly is realised in a brief period of time and they would not be exposed to adverse climatic conditions during months.

Also they would own a greater strength to resist during the transport and assembly. By all this they would be also more resistant after his construction. The prefabrication of constructive elements could lay the way towards the creation of buildings in which outside simpler desensamblar or deconstruir when these arrive at the end of their life utility and to thus be able to use the materials in another place. Also it would be possible a greater control on the processes and materials, as much in the management of residues generated (simpler in plant than in work) like in the toxic product elimination.

Housing: Fixed-Term Instruments

And by the If not, when banks are offering fixed-term instruments it is because they believe that interest rates will rise. Here he has a somewhat rough guide expect from the future in terms of interest rates. 5 Endeudese in the short or medium term, when you decide that the interest rates for credit will be below inflation expected for that year. 6 Endeudese to acquire assets. If you can buy an asset through debt (suppose a property) and this will generate such a payment of $500 per month, but retribuira more of $500 700 $ per income rental suppose, then, that investment will be generating income or net of $200 cash flows.

This result is enough to know that this investment by debt is good. 7. Life and health are priceless, if you or anyone in your family have an emergency medical, and unfortunately does not have an insurance policy or with cash, doesn’t have no choice but who use their cards of credit (especially if you want the person who suffers the emergency be treated at a private clinic). Why is that it is always good to have a personal insurance policy and for their goods (especially for vehicles). 8. Endeudese if you work in a company or company that offers preferential interest rates for his employees.

9. Endeudese if you have control over yourself and your finances. This is the most important premise of all and you must be very responsible in making any decision of indebtedness. If in truth and with much conscience, you have control over yourself and your finances, be prepared to have and enjoy goods and services with those who always dreamed. Educate yourself on the subject, read about the subject, not just with this book and look for others, listen and read to economists in programs of opinion and the press. Try to learn and understand, become an expert, get a comprehensive approach about finances and do things with consciousness. The bad reputation that the debts have come from the people who decided to navigate these murky waters without having been prepared for them. M.S. Felix Gonzalez j.

The Populism

However, it is not possible to denote the inherent Codes of Ethics to the social service, without speaking on two words keys, ethics and moral, being that although to practically have the same meant, the moral if consolidates in the practical life, the daily one, day-postpones in it, already the ethics if manisfeta more as reflection theory. Ethos, ethics in Greek, assign to the dwelling human being, therefore everything what it helps to become the environment better so that it is a healthful housing: materially sustainable, psychologically integrated and spiritual fruitful. Moral of the Latin you live, you assign to the customs and the traditions, being on the especifidades of each people. Category of assistants social, in referring, its ethics professional, and in particular its codes of ethics, all had reflected of way clear, positionings debated and defended in its times distinct, what she culminated, in implementation of Code of Ethics of 1993, fruit of innumerable fights of category, that brings the law that regulates the profession (8662/93), in which leaves explicit, knowledge and values to be followed for all the members of the professional category, having as basic principles, magnifying of the freedom, defense of the human rights, prohibited, deepening and consolidation of the citizenship, defense of the equity and social justice, commitment with the quality and installment of the services. Taking in account the historical moment of each code, it has that to stand out itself that of 1947, occurred in full populist experience in Brazil, together with the period of industrial expansion. The Populism concept is sufficiently including: Although contemplating the economic interests of the industrial bourgeoisie, in the field politician the populist called State placed as representative of all the classrooms, indistinctly. Its sustentation, however, depended on the balance of diverse forms the diverse represented bourgeois segments in the civil and military bureaucracy, and the workers, especially of the work force.

Russian Federation

Of course, there are cases where self-survey should be performed – this is due to the need to accurately determine the area of the site and its boundaries on the ground, if there are differences with its neighbors and future sales will be in connection with this difficult. However, as a rule, this is not necessary, and you're wasting time and money on unnecessary procedures. If your goal – selling you owned the land, and the documents are not yet ready for the transaction, the buyer often has no time and desire to wait, and as a result, chooses another option. This is what happens in the event that no offer him some security clearance facility in the property. How to do it most wisely? To do this, there exists a form as a preliminary contract of sale. What is its essence? When a buyer is found, a notary office or a law firm, in accordance with Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a preliminary contract of sale area, which does not require state registration.

In addition to the contract price of the property are prescribed conditions of its purchase, the term of registration of necessary documents and responsibilities of the parties, in case one of them from engaging in transactions in the future. Based on this contract, the buyer usually makes a down payment to the seller and shall pay all costs of bringing the documents to the seller's state fit for the transaction. If the seller refuses to fulfill the conditions of the contract, the buyer can claim in court its execution.

Protecting Carter Carbon

Therefore, the passage is necessary to take something to protect. Question. Is it possible to remove himself / encrypt if to drive the car on the rack, lift, pit? Are there any nuances in the installation? Response. The installation process is as simple as possible and does not require any special tools and skills. "Well, how much did it cost?" Well, today you can find the protection of housing of different manufacturers for a variety of prices. From cheap to expensive aluminum rail.

You probably know how much protection are made of aluminum or stainless steel. Depending on model, prices range from 9,000 to 15,000 rubles. I have good news for you. No need to pay so much money. Protecting Carter Carbon based the model is about 8,000 rubles. Let me draw your attention to the obvious fact that if the average replacement housing is 10 000 rubles., Then it will be enough once, when the defense will save the engine to fully recoup its.

It is little or a lot? Think about it: even if the 8000 rubles. – It 'a large amount of' for you at the moment, this rate will change little in your life in general. It is only 22 rubles. per day for a year. And think about those 'things' to which you're spending 8,000 rubles. Rather are you two months of gasoline are spending less. Or compare this amount with the one you pay for cell phones, and that the money just evaporate into the air. Nothing can bring them back to you. Several bottles of beer in the evening only one day a week, or a fast food lunch each day will already cost more than 8,000 in less than a year – and this money get in your stomach. Elie Rieder addresses the importance of the matter here. Not really much good. So it costs 22 rubles. per day can have no significant impact on your life in general. But DO NOT buy crankcase certainly can. The fact that you can miss – is the difference between the guaranteed safety of your money and time and cost to repair the engine, which not only hit your wallet, but also take away the nerves and precious time! My Last Thoughts: Spend the money on the protection of housing can be a difficult decision for most people. Maybe for you. But if this is a difficult decision for you – spend the money, I must tell you: this is the best reason to act now … so then you never have to spend more on repairing the engine and spend time with bodanie insurance. If you continue to go without the protection of the crankcase, then you'll just expose yourself to potential danger. There is a saying 'As long as thunder breaks out, the peasant will not cross. " I can assure you that even if you've never punched crankcase, it does not guarantee that it will not happen tomorrow, next month or next year! Decide right now to put the protection of housing to completely rid yourself of possible problems with the engine. You'll be very happy making a positive decision.

Nonresidential Property

Contract of sale of non-residential property to non-residential premises are located in residential or built-in and adjoined to him and not suitable for permanent residence of citizens or for use as service premises. These facilities are not included in the housing stock for temporary accommodation, hostels and other specialized residential premises. In addition, non-residential premises include any separate premises, which are located in non-residential buildings and structures and make them part, and also these buildings and structures as a whole. Conclusion of the contract of sale and purchase of non-residential premises is the simplest and popular method of disposal facilities. Contract of sale of non-residential premises – a document that defines the seller's obligation to transfer ownership to non-residential premises, as well as the buyer's obligation to take property in non-residential premises and to pay for it a sum of money stipulated in advance. Conclusion of the contract of sale and purchase of non-residential premises shall be in writing and shall be certified by the signatures of the parties. Russian legislation does not provide notarization of this type of transaction.

The contract of sale of non-residential premises shall contain information on non-residential premises: the address, area, etc. Further details can be found at Elie Rieder, an internet resource. Civilian Code of the Russian Federation provides that a contract of sale non-residential premises deemed to be concluded by the parties after the signing of the contract. However, ownership of the premises retained by the seller to state registration of transfer of ownership of non-residential premises. The legal owner of the property during this period is the buyer, so the seller has no right to dispose of the assets. In addition, to non-residential premises include any separate premises, which are located in non-residential buildings and structures and make them part, and also these buildings and structures as a single tselogo.Krome addition to non-residential premises include any separate premises, which are located in non-residential buildings and structures and make them part, and also these buildings and structures as a single tselogo.Krome order to include any non-residential premises separate rooms, which are located in non-residential buildings and structures and make them part, and also these buildings and structures as a whole..

Geithner Plan

To the times at dramatical moments as what we live currently, history finishes for placing an only man on the back of decisions that can finish with crises or aggravate them still more. It seems that in the crisis of subprime already we have the first candidate ' ' to load the weight of the world in costas' ' , he is the Secretary of the American Treasure, Timothy Geitner, professional young that directed until little time behind the Federal one Reserves (central banking of U.S.A.) in New York. Geithner is the face of the plan announced in 23 of March to rescue the banks, to reactivate the economy, to finish with the unemployment, at last, to save the day. A beginning little promissorH weeks, specialists criticized the Government of American president, Barack Obama, when saying that if it had distracted with other plans instead of acting with contundncia in the epicenter of the economic crisis, in the case, me the health of the banking system. In day 10 of February, the stock markets had fallen down when observing, disappointed, that Geithner, convoked the press to speak of the plan and concluded its speech without giving details of the same.

What they are ' ' asset podres' ' – the center of problemAtualmente, the banks in U.S.A. have its accounts ' ' contaminadas' ' for asset the quality, basically tied with the mortgages &#039 to me; ' subprime' ' , it hinders what them to appeal to the credit markets and, therefore, to count on resources enough to loan money to the companies and to the families. The plan of sells at retail – umCom more the market of almost paralyzed credit, the Department of the Treasure of U.S.A. elaborated a plan that recoups the banks without nationalizing them, as the republican legislators ask for. The plan consists of taking off of the rockings of the banks all these assets of the real estate market that do not have liquidity and that they are ' ' contaminando' ' its accounts.