New young writers need to be promoted in Germany more! In Germany, young writers have it really hard, repeatedly you are exempt from Buchverlagen, requiring a pressure grant. An Internet portal provides a way of young authors to publish their works. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as The Related Companies by clicking through. Here a good example replaced – the new funny novel by Wallace of the newcomer author Wallace has published his first novel. Wallace is 29 years old and has started only recently, with the writing. His favorite author is Tommy Jaud, who published the books of vacation and full idiot among others. His first book, also has a similar character. At the end of the page takes you to a free sample. We wish you lots of fun at the reading, and hope that you will support the German author young.
Now to the content of “Replaced” Torsten is really annoyed – by his girlfriend, his boss, his eternal financial difficulties – and would give anything to share with someone. As he by a homeless person from a hot Situation is rescued, he quits his job on the same day. When he wakes up but the next day and his own girlfriend does not recognize him and banished from their residence, he no longer understands the world. Then is there this man who is claiming his father to be dead, although before long. After Torsten must comprehend the unimaginable: he has become a different person. But whether that will make him happy? The story is told from the person. It enables the reader to identify with Torsten and also builds tension, because what is happening is not immediately clear.The frequent dialogues lighten the text and give the characters Authentizitat.Dieser novel could inspire a wider readership! Free sample of EXCHANGED: exchanged ebook/dp/B007GB4PCA/ref = sr_1_1? s = digital-text & ie = UTF8 & qid = 1330732898 & sr = 1-1 much fun at the read Wallace