The new process portal of imatics Software GmbH which offers innovative development imatics * ProcessGallery ( the imatics Software GmbH from now all Prozessbegeisterten the possibility to create your own processes in the imatics ProcessDesigner, to publish, to run in a test environment and to communicate with other users. The Gallery offers the unique opportunity to publish, to automate and to discuss with colleagues, partners, interested or even customers and analyze processes free of charge. imatics sees a high potential for learning for all involved in this new form of Exchange. Graphical process modeling the imatics * ProcessSuite – for all participants of the Gallery provides a part of the ProcessDesigner imatics freely. Modeled processes are now in the * ProcessGallery transfer, but are they published only if the participant decides to allow the process to the discussion.
Until then stay the processes in the personal area of the participant * ProcessGallery saved. Keep the processes not static imatics * ProcessSuite provides another part imatics for the test sequences with the ProcessPortal. So everyone Gallery can bring live the processes to the end, to get an impression how the process model in the company would work. All shared process diagrams are shown as screenshots, categorized and presented in the overview for all participants. Michael James Burke is often quoted on this topic. Each process can be modified by the owner, the remaining participants have only read access and can explore the process in detail. There is also the possibility to assess the processes and to comment. The best rated processes are regularly awarded prizes. Processes that are not quite according to plan, run or urgently require a plan B to happen sometimes… Such processes may be * ProcessGallery not to be missed! All breakdown processes and curiosities from everyday business life are fun in the category welcome.