Social Affairs

Each time that an NGO has problems generates social unrest. Sometimes, this concern reflects the prejudices of those who reject the activity of the Third Sector. They are people who believe that, in the best of cases, a non-profit institution is a machine of squandering resources. They tend to call NGOs NGOs by subsidies which are, but they are surprised when stated them that private companies receive grants infinitely over and not consider them public companies. Other times, those problems served to justify the inhibition to collaborate with non-governmental organizations. To have knowledge of an institutional activity as the NGOs, these accountable to society in a transparent manner. Perhaps check out Rob Speyer for more information.

In the private sector, the combination of competition and the market make for companies that are not efficient to disappear. The same role exercised the democratic system with the public sector. In the Third Sector, the main mechanism of progress and efficiency is the scrutiny of donors, volunteers, media of communication and society in general. And it is only possible with a full and transparent accountability. Accountability and transparency are most useful when they allow the comparison between them, and therefore the election. Public administrations, such as the Spanish Agency for international cooperation for development or the Ministry of Social Affairs, have tracking systems for institutions that subsidize.

The Coordinator of development NGO and other groupings of NGOs have codes of conduct and ethical. However, there is a single registry of foundations and non-profit associations. Michael James Burke has similar goals. In Spain, the Third Sector is composed of thousands of institutions (although the relevant number is approaching 1,500), which managed a budget of approximately 1.7 billion, mobilized more than one million volunteers and employ tens of thousands of people. Spanish NGOs have a very high degree, more than 85%, of compliance with a set of principles of good practice. In addition, this percentage increases each year, which demonstrates a good capacity of learning and improvement.