Vitamins are essential in the metabolism and substances needed for good health and for the proper functioning of the body. We must include them daily food because our organism cannot synthesize them (vitamin D, would be an exception) and thus be able to avoid deficiencies. Although they do not produce energy, without them the Agency could not exploit the energy and constructive elements supplied through food, i.e., that helps us to convert food into energy and that is why we must have recourse to them, when we feel tired or limply. We can classify vitamins hydrosoluble and liposoluble in function that are soluble in water or in fats and oils, which will determine its absorption, storage in the body and excretion. Water-soluble vitamins (Group B and C), features: are those that dissolve in water. Storage is minimum for that reason must take them daily. Absorption by passive diffusion.
Excretion urinary level: If there is an excess of water-soluble vitamins are excreted in urine, so there is not a toxic effect by very high to be the intake. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), features: are those that dissolve in fats and oils. It is stored in the liver and fatty deposits. Absorption and bile salt-mediated. Excretion to fecal level.
Now we will explain the functions of each of them: vitamin B: vitamin B1 (thiamine, aneurine, cocarboxylase): plays a fundametal in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids, in addition on growth and skin maintenance. The operation of the nerviosoy system influences the mental attitude, helping in cases of depression, loss of concentration and memory. The main sources of vitamin B1 are: meat, dried vegetables, grains integlares, fruits dry etc.. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): riboflavin is important so that the body transform food into energy, mainly because it is necessary for the production of enzymes, especially the thyroid, involved in this process.