San Sebastin

In seven libraries, more than half of the visited ones in Alicante, two of Saragossa and other two of Murcia and Valladolid, the users could not accede to a computerized catalogue. Between that yes they had this service, in 9 of each 10 cases the technicians verified the simplicity of their handling and the possibility of knowing if the book were lent to another user or the exact location of that material within the library. Like exceptions, the unique terminals available in three centers of Cadiz, Saragossa and Murcia were spoiled. The same test was repeated asking for aid to the employees. The received service was correct in six of each ten centers. They emphasize of positive form the visited ones in Bilbao, Granada and Oviedo. On the contrary, in some libraries of Alicante, Cadiz, Madrid, Malaga and Valladolid, the civil servant limited itself to provide indications without specifying where was the book nor to accompany the user to look for it.

Another troop trials consisted of to ask for information to become partner of the libraries. Then, only in 47% they offered documentary information on the operation of the library. Those did that it they indicated the conditions of use of the membership card of user and the service of loan, as well as the penalties imposed by the delay in the delivery of the lent materials. On the other hand, eight of each ten do not warn their partners of the new acquisitions although 68% of place them to the libraries in a special section so that the users can notice themselves of their existence. All the libraries of Alicante analyzed, besides several centers of San Sebastin, Granada, Oviedo, Vitoria, Valladolid, Seville and Valencia yes notified to their partners the arrival of those new materials by letter or by means of electronic mail. One of the weak points of the Spanish libraries is the signaling.

In 79% of the studied ones there were no informative leaves in which the existence of a complaint book was indicated, in 63% did not see a note that informed into existence of a mailbox of suggestions and in 67% either were no posters exceeds what to make in case of emergencia or fire. In addition, one of each five lacked indicating panels of the location of the exits of emergencia, and in one of each eight not even the norms of the library announced (to extinguish the moving body, not to eat nor to drink within the facilities ). Compiled By. Javier Meja T.


Loss of the Property for the Extinction of the Thing: INTRODUCTION: To speak of loss of the property for extinction we need first to understand that the property is the Right in rem par excellence that it consists in the Art.1.225, I, CC. Thus according to our Civil Code the proprietor has the college to use, to enjoy, to make use and to recover the thing of the power of who wants that it possesss unjustly it. Of the book? Course of Brazilian Civil law? Maria Helena Diniz complements the property right inside being the right that the natural or legal person has, of the normative limits, to use, to enjoy and to make use of a good, corporeal or incorporal, as well as demanding it of who withholds exactly it. Characters of the Property: We speak first of the absolute character, that is, the proprietor can enjoy of the one as well as wanting, subjecting only to the limitations imposed for the law. Already the exclusive character imposes that being proprietor of the good a proprietor excludes the other, that is, the same thing cannot simultaneously belong with exclusiveness and the two people or more. Being the third perpetual character, the domain understands itself that subsiste independent of the death, or exercise.

has the full character therefore to be able them to all is together in an only proprietor In this manner, discourses that the property is perpetual, exclusive, absolute and full. FORMS OF ACQUISITION OF THE PROPERTY: As well as the ways of loss of the property exist as we will understand in the end of the article, also exist the ways of acquisition of the real state property, that are they: – Processory title – Register – Acession FORMS OF LOSS OF the PROPERTY: As it makes use our Civil Code in Art. 1275, it is lost property for: – Alienation – Resignation – Abandonment – For extinction of the Thing – For dispossession the alienation, resignation and the abandonment are voluntary ways to lose the property, that is, when the proprietor desires not to have plus that property.