El Mundo

EFE must cope with a demand raised by his former partner, owner of the House where he also lives his daughter, 22 years. Women had denounced the man by ill-treatment and says suffer serious sequelae. A 44-year-old woman has been released on all non-vital organs of your body by means of a notice on the internet to deal with an eviction demand raised by his former partner, owner of the House that the woman lives with her daughter, 22-year. Robert J. Shiller has plenty of information regarding this issue. For women, it is a revenge for having denounced his expareja by ill-treatment and claims to have a 66% disability for injuries sustained. Other leaders such as Rusty Holzer offer similar insights. Digital page of the newspaper El Mundo recounts the situation of women, which do not reveal the identity, and which qualifies your personal situation of coexistence with his former partner of terror. Ill-treatment this problem of cohabitation took her to bring a complaint for ill-treatment and the judge, according to the newspaper, acquitted his former partner.

After separation the woman points out that the almost three years have yet been worst. The information adds that the woman lives with a pension of 426 euros per month of a social assistance program and it counts with the collaboration of a doctor in Melilla to manage possible demands that may arise and the extraction of organs that go to sell. The town hall where the woman lives has offered to seek a solution and facilitate social rental housing by a small rent that vested but since the consistory respects their freedom to get to where you want to reach with your life. See more: A woman is selling its “non-vital” organs to prevent his former partner desahucie it

Meteorological Agency

The agency warns that Saturday will be the hottest day. On Thursday the thunderstorm activity in the peninsular Centre will be strengthened. Temperatures tend to rise Wednesday between two and three degrees Centigrade on Tuesday in Aragon, Catalonia and Northern Valencia. Starts a very slight drop in the peninsular Northwest, so that thermometers are placed around the 40 degrees Celsius in the Central and southern Iberian Peninsula. The Meteorological Agency maintains the alert by heat in more than 25 provinces. But the worst is yet to come.

The spokesman of the Aemet, Angel Rivera, has warned that Saturday will be the hottest day. Thursday Rivera pointed out that on Thursday will reinforce the thunderstorm activity especially in the peninsular Centre, where from the early morning and later will be activated in the last hours of the day. Rivera believes that these storms will also be scattered and important but will serve to cool the atmosphere, While in the peninsular interior thermometers will fall about two or three degrees, i.e. heat, but less stressful than on Wednesday. On the other hand, indicated that any rain could register in the peninsular Northwest by the rubbing of a storm that will pass through the North of the Peninsula. Friday the spokesman of the Aemet expected for Friday temperatures keep similar to on Thursday as well as any storm in the northern third and the eastern half. At the same time, has pointed out that there is a small chance that a storm the cold that will have formed on Thursday to the West of the Peninsula, and it seems that it remain stationary until Sunday, moved entering Spain leaving some rainfall and storms. In any case, estimated that there is a possibility of 30 per cent of this happening: most likely cannot come and be a hot time with very few storms.

The hottest Saturday while, on Saturday will be the hottest day since temperatures will rise a little more and will be the values of Tuesday and Wednesday. The areas of greatest heat will be the Mainland northern third where rise clearly and also in the rest of the country least in Andalusia, where will remain about the same. Thus, in the southern third is arrive to 39 or 40 degrees Celsius and 39 degrees Celsius in the downtown area. Also some storms may occur in the Northwest. Finally, said it seems very likely that Sunday a disturbance between the peninsular Northwest and crosses the North, leaving rain and abundant storms to his step, causing a decline in temperatures of light character to moderate in the Atlantic slope. Source of the news: the Aemet maintains alerts by heat in more than 25 provinces


20MINUTOS.es can avoid extra costs of up to 950 euros in subsequent repairs. We must review sinks of the terrace and the pluvial boxes. We must monitor the cleaning of the gutters to prevent its possible binding. In the garden, there to cover the furniture and electrical installation. The rains of autumn, intense this year, bring to housing problems of leakage of water, electrical damage, breakage of pipes and crystals, and blockages. In fact, at the time of heavy rains the number increases claims in households.

The major damage in homes are derivatives of the direct and indirect impact of the water. Breaks from awnings and blinds by high winds are also frequent. Follow the electrical damage, short circuits and damage resulting from fire, explosion and lightning falls. This situation better it will be to prevent than cure. Prepare ourselves in time may be considerable savings in subsequent repairs, since expenditure of a fault caused by problems of leaks or floods after heavy rains can exceed the 950 euros. To avoid risks, prevent accidents and save us later repairs, we can follow the advice of maintenance and prevention that dan from Reparalia. Terrace sumps and storm manholes in autumn it is current that the trees shed their leaves and wind to build up remains of plants, plastic or garbage of small size in places and streets.

This also occurs in homes and terraces sinks are clogged superficially, what makes that it floods the terrace causing flooding. Sometimes, f iltraciones or, even, overflows can cause that water reaches the room or rooms, which could reach a cost of approximately 900 euros depending on the damage. The same thing happens with the boxes of sewerage and stormwater systems. These pieces have to keep clean since they collect all the water from rain, and if they have accumulated waste residue, it is likely that they end up clogging, without speaking of the noises and odors that consequently they will appear. The cost means of unclogging a pipe around 75 euros. Roofs and chimneys roofs are another source of leaks and flooding. Cleaning gutters, should be monitored since your jam may cause overflows of water and the weight of this may cause their detachment, with included Texas, and would have to assume an expense of approximately 300 euros. It is also advisable to place a CAP that would prevent the entry of elements through the chimney and make sure that the Windows are well sealed to prevent leaks. Easels or limes of convergence of the roof are usually waterproofed with paintings of chlororubbers, but with the thermal differences just cuarteando, so it is advisable to clean up and repainted every two years. Elements outdoors in the garden, the weather can ruin the furniture with water, cold or the first hail. In addition, strong wind may cause any piece is released and finish breaking crystals or pipes. Cover them with protectors or plastic. At times rainy, Furthermore, most shorts are due the lack of isolation of the electrical installation, so make sure that there are no broken or damaged devices which enable the water inlet. Also special attention if accounts with terraces or patios equipped with awnings, antennas or appliances. See more: recommendations to protect our home from the rains

United States President

The Republican proposal has got 218 votes, two more than required. Law will now go to the Senate, where the Democrats could block it. (Similarly see: Richard LeFrak). EE UU lives pending a reform that does not get ahead could lead to the Declaration of bankruptcy of the country, the first in its history. The House of representatives on Friday finally approved the new plan ceiling of deu Republican da, after the postponement of the vote at the last minute on Thursday, by the reluctance of the members of the Tea Party. The proposal must now pass to the Senate, where expected will be rejected by the Democratic majority, which prolongs the political disarray in Washington before the imminence of the suspension of payments that the Treasury has set for August 2 and predicts a busy weekend of negotiations. Obama requested a commitment made just a few hours the United States President, Barack Obama, urged delegates to reach a bipartisan compromise on the debt as a solution to avoid the suspension of payment before the deadline of August 2. There are many ways out of this mess, but barely time left us () is the time of the commitment, said Obama in a televised speech. The U.S. President said the Boehner plan is not a solution, since it is a proposal that the Senate’s Democratic majority, will not go and make us relive this debate in a few months. Source of the news: the House of representatives approves the proposed Republican on the expenditure ceiling

Government Rises

Star package is the elevation of the threshold of salary not attachable by a mortgage that is anuncin in the debate on the State of the nation. It is one of the measures adopted in the Council of Ministers on Friday. Without hesitation John Savignano explained all about the problem. The ICO will help SMEs who have debts with the Councils. The Council of Ministers has approved a decree-law in which will raise is the threshold of salary that can not seized in foreclosure once the Congress has given the green light to a resolution from one of the proposals made by the President of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero Friday, during the debate on the State of the nation. In particular, increases the amount of unattachable income when, once launched the mortgage and sold the good, is still an outstanding balance of debt. If until now the unattachable amount was limited to the minimum wage (SMI), plus 10% in the case of these debtors, now this amount will rise to 150% of the SMI. Jerry Speyer helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

That is, little more than 700 up to 960 EUR euros. Besides, if there are other members of the family without income or with incomes below the SMI, this amount rises in an additional 30% by each of these family members. Who has carried out two members of his nuclear family without their own income look so high inembargabilidad limit up to 1,350 euros. Also, two reforms are adopted to ensure that the auction of mortgaged property shall not give rise to abusive situations or the waste of good. Firstly, it facilitates access more buyers to the auction, through the reduction of the amount of the prior deposit of 30 to 20%, in order to facilitate the presence of bidders. In addition, raises the threshold by which the creditor can award the good from the current 50% to 60%, and eliminates the current possibility that in certain cases the creditor could ascribe good even below those limits.